Disclosure Policy

HOMEInvestor RelationsDisclosure Policy

The Company has established and implemented the following disclosure policies to ensure prompt information disclosure for stakeholders including its shareholders and investors based on the principles of transparency, fairness and continuity:

Information Disclosure Standards

The Company discloses information in accordance with the Companies Act, the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, and other laws and regulations as well as the Securities Listing Regulations stipulated by the Tokyo Stock Exchange, where its stock is listed.
Important information that has not been publicly disclosed regarding the Company’s operations, businesses, or assets and that has a significant impact on investment decisions of investors is designated as “material information” and is disclosed in a fair and impartial manner.
The Company proactively discloses information that it deems material with respect to its business activities, in addition to information subject to the Securities Listing Regulations.

Information Disclosure Procedures

The Company discloses information subject to the Securities Listing Regulations through the Timely Disclosure network (TDnet) provided by the Tokyo Stock Exchange in accordance with the Regulations, then promptly posts the same information on the Company’s website after the disclosure.
The Company will also ensure that information not subject to the Securities Listing Regulations but deemed desirable to be disclosed is communicated to its shareholders and investors as accurately and fairly as possible through posting on its website, etc.

About Future Prospects

The Compamy may provide forward-looking statements in Financial Results Briefings or other IR materials the Company issues, besides earnings forecasts disclosed in its Financial Results. These statements, unless historical facts, are evaluated at its discretion under certain conditions based on the information currently available. Please note that these forward-looking statements are subject to various risks, uncertainties, and other factors that may cause actual business results to differ significantly from those projected.

Quiet Period

The Company has established a “quiet period” from the day following the fiscal year end date (or quarter end date) until the day the respective financial results are announced, from the perspective of preventing leaks of financial information (including quarterly financial information) and ensuring fairness in information disclosure. During the quiet period, the Company will refrain from answering questions or commenting on financial results. However, any possibility of a major deviation from earnings forecasts is subject to disclosure in accordance with the Securities Listing Regulations.
Even during the quiet period, the Company will respond to questions within the scope of information that has already been disclosed.

Information Disclosure to Third Parties and Performance Predictions by Third Parties

The Company will strive to have constructive dialogues aiming for medium- to long-term improvement of corporate value at individual meetings with institutional investors, analysts, and others. In such dialogues, we only refer to limited information such as already disclosed facts, well-known facts, and general business environments, with fairness in mind to prevent “material information” from being conveyed only to certain third parties. The Company does not endorse any comments, earnings forecasts or other statements made by third parties regarding the Company.