Aiming to become a specialty pharmaceutical company by 2030 Aiming to become a specialty pharmaceutical company by 2030

Since our founding, our medium- to long-term goal has been to become a specialty pharmaceutical company capable of manufacturing, and selling pharmaceuticals, primarily focusing on mRNA-related drug discovery utilizing our drug discovery platform, ibVIS®.”

Transitioning to a “hybrid business” that creates pipelines along with a “platform business” for mRNA-targeted small molecule drug discovery, and further becoming a specialty pharma Transitioning to a “hybrid business” that creates pipelines along with a “platform business” for mRNA-targeted small molecule drug discovery, and further becoming a specialty pharma

Growth image from foundation to specialty pharmaceutical company
Growth image from foundation to specialty pharmaceutical company

While ensuring steady growth through a platform- business, the company aims to diversify its revenue sources and
increase its stock value by developing its pipelines, transitioning to a hybrid business in 2025. The company seeks to
position itself as a specialty pharmaceutical company by 2030.

Our medium- to long-term goal is to “establish ourselves as a specialty pharmaceutical company” by 2030.

As the first step towards becoming a specialty pharmaceutical company, we have focused on a platform business utilizing our drug discovery platform, ibVIS®, and have worked to establish a revenue base. We have conducted joint drug discovery research on mRNA-targeted small molecule drug discovery with multiple domestic pharmaceutical companies. The knowledge and achievements gained through the collaboration have enhanced our platform technology, distinguished us from our competitors, and ultimately secured our profits.

As the second stage to becoming a specialty pharmaceutical company, we will transition to a “hybrid business” model in 2025, which includes developing our unique pipelines while expanding our platform business with pharmaceutical companies. We have already begun preparatory work starting in 2024 to create our pipelines as early as possible. Securing the unique pipelines will allow us to diversify our revenue sources and enhance our stock value.

Growth concept based on hybrid business model
Growth concept based on hybrid business model

The company aims to increase its stock value by creating its pipelines
while expanding its platform business for mRNA-targeted small molecule drugs.

As the final stage to becoming a specialty pharmaceutical company, we will secure the necessary organization, functions, human resources, etc. as a specialty pharmaceutical company with sustainable growth potential, while continuing to expand platform business and develop pipelines.

Specialty pharma is a business model prevalent not only in Japan but also in the United States. The majority of medium-sized healthcare-related companies listed on the New York Stock Exchange or NASDAQ that have sustained growth for over a decade since their listing has adopted this model.

In the process of becoming a specialty pharmaceutical company, we aim to achieve stable and sustainable growth in the medium to long term, thereby enhancing stock value and ensuring that the pharmaceuticals developed with our technology are responsibly delivered to society, which leads to realizing our company’s philosophy.

Growth strategy to become a specialty pharmaceutical company Growth strategy to become a specialty pharmaceutical company

Annual targets during the medium-term management plan and the vision for 2030.
Annual targets during the medium-term management plan and the vision for 2030.

Our vision for 2030 is to establish ourselves as a specialty pharmaceutical company.
We will implement the following measures during our medium-term management plan from FY2025 to FY2027 to achieve this vision.
We will work to establish a revenue base as a hybrid business biotech company, integrating both platform business and robust pipelines.

< Measures for FY2025-FY2027 >

1  Progress and expansion of platform business

Secure two new contracts annually

2  Creation of in-house pipelines

Develop one in-house pipeline annually

3  Expansion of research institute functions

Enhance the capabilities of R&D functions through measures such as increasing staff numbers and expanding facilities,
including potential relocation of Shin-Kawasaki research institute, to accommodate the increase in platform business
projects and the development of in-house pipelines

4 Other

Aim to achieve stable and sustainable growth through diversifying various mRNA-related drug discovery projects

Diversification of mRNA-related drug discovery business
Diversification of mRNA-related drug discovery business

The drug discovery platform ibVIS® can be applied to various mRNA-related drug discoveries.
With the shift in its business model, the company will expand its focus to include not only mRNA-targeted small
molecule drugs but also nucleic acid drugs and other mRNA-related drug discoveries