

(Report) Representative Nakamura present at “JASIS Collaboration – Public Utilization Platform Brings Innovation to Research” hosted by MEXT

Dr. Shingo Nakamura, Representative Director and CEO at Veritas In Silico, made a presentation at the seminar program “JASIS Collaboration – Public Utilization Platform Brings Innovation to Research” sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), on September 4, 2024, at JASIS 2024 (Japan Advanced Scientific & Analytical Systems & Solutions Exhibition) being held at Makuhari-Messe.
We would like to express our sincere thanks to everyone who attended the seminar.

Dr. Nakamura’s presentation, “Roles of NMR in mRNA-targeted small molecule drug discovery at Veritas In Silico,” was chaired by Dr. Takanori Kigawa, Senior Scientist at the RIKEN Center for Bioscience Dynamics Research. Dr Nakamura explained the importance of utilizing nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) for drug discovery targeting mRNA, a biomolecule that has no single definite structure, following the three main points, confirmation of target RNA structures, binding mode analysis of compounds, and 3D structural analysis of RNA target structures and compounds.

Besides, the Q&A session allowed us to engage in useful discussions with the participants.

At the presentation: Dr. Takanori KIGAWA, RIKEN Center for Biosciences Dynamics Research on the left, and Dr. Nakamura on the right.